Cool green dress with red bell


Rp. 35,000 (*E-Book)
Rp. 75,000 (*Buku)

English for Information Technology was prepared to enrich and add references for teachers, lecturers, pupils and students in improving their mastery of English related to information technology. By studying this book, readers are expected to become more familiar with terms related to information technology in English. Considering that currently the role of information technology has penetrated almost all aspects of our lives.

English for Information Technology was prepared to enrich and add references for teachers, lecturers, pupils and students in improving their mastery of English related to information technology. By studying this book, readers are expected to become more familiar with terms related to information technology in English. Considering that currently the role of information technology has penetrated almost all aspects of our lives.

Additional features
ISBN 978-623-125-045-2
Penulis Buku Sam Hermansyah, Nasmilah, Usman M, Khadijah Maming, Andi Sadapotto, Syahrir Syamsunir, Roni, Isumarni, Nurul faradillah, Nurhikmah, Basuki Rahmat Masdi Siduppa, Agus Hambing.
Kategori Sastra Inggris
Tahun Terbit 2024