Cool green dress with red bell


Rp. 45,000 (*E-Book)
Rp. 85,000 (*Buku)

Buku ini berisikan bahasan mengenai what is linguistics, phonetics: the sounds of language, phonology: functions and patterns voice, syntactic structures, semantics: analisys of meaning, the diversity of language, historical linguistics: language change, languages of the world, second language acquisition, dan pragmatics.

Buku ini berisikan bahasan mengenai what is linguistics, phonetics: the sounds of language, phonology: functions and patterns voice, syntactic structures, semantics: analisys of meaning, the diversity of language, historical linguistics: language change, languages of the world, second language acquisition, dan pragmatics.

Additional features
ISBN 978-623-198-731-0
Penulis Buku Novi Sriwulandari Sam Hermansyah Andi Sadapotto Tiyas Saputri Barep Sarinauli Andi Rachmawati Syarif Neneng Yuniarty Ismail Buhari Nike Puspita Wanodyatama Pasaribu
Kategori Sastra Inggris
Tahun Terbit 2023